2019 Conference season

ICA2019 Washington

In the past few weeks I had the opportunity to present my research at two conferences. The first was the SFU School of Communication Graduate Students conference. In this presentation I shared my research results and I focused in particular on occupational communities and their role within the Vancouver creative industry.

The following week I was in Washington DC where I had the chance to present a poster about media multistability in participant observation at ICA 2019. The poster is an unanticipated outcome of my on-field investigation. It aims to question the of role of digital media in ethnography.

This coming week instead I will attend the Congress of the Canadian Communication Association right here in Vancouver. In this occasion I am going to share the outcomes of my research in what seems to be a promising and very heterogeneous panel titled “Working Against Dispossession: Settler Colonialism, Expo 67, Tesla Motors’ Gigafactory 1, and the Narwhal Club”.

While the last presentation is going to be in September at the annual meeting of the Society for the Social Studies of Science (4S) in New Orleans. I really look forward to participate the “Disrupting Algorithms: Innovating Work and Life in the Digital Economy” panel organized by Alessandro Delfanti (University of Toronto) and Yujie Chen (University of Leicester).

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